July 2, 2023

I love how the Universe creates synchronicities! Two days ago I had never heard of Yamuna balls and today I had a class on how to use them for relieving pain and helping our bodies to heal. In case you haven’t heard of them, they are part of an exercise and wellness system developed by Yamuna Zake. Different sizes of balls that are firm enough to support some weight, but soft enough to have a bit of give, are placed under the body in specific standing, seated or reclining positions and by rolling on them they help release tight muscles as they bring strength and flexibility to the body. A trained practitioner is important to guide you to be sure you do the moves correctly and avoid injury. The balls follow energy meridians and also work on fascia and muscle release.

When we finished the class, I was amazed at the change in one of my shoulders, which I had injured last October. Even though I had done a lot of work on it, this work made it feel as it did before the injury with NO pain! I was truly impressed!

But here is the fun part: how this class even happened is true synchronicity!

Last Thursday, I was shopping at a local Whole Foods store, and happened to see a lady about my size (in other words, not very tall) trying to see an item on a top shelf. Knowing I couldn’t see either, I asked if she would like me to get someone to help. She said yes, and I went to get a tall friend who works there. He checked and said even though there was none on hand, it would probably come back, as they were doing inventory that day. I was wearing a tee shirt that said “Unicorns are Vegan”, and when we introduced ourselves the lady, Eva, said she was vegan, too. I told her about my tai chi and qigong classes that I teach and gave her one of my cards.

The next day, Eva sent me a text telling me about the Yamuna balls class on Sunday at Dragon Phoenix, the studio where I teach. A friend of hers, (Rachel, the teacher) was coming through town and would be offering this class, and I said I would come to see what it was about. Less than 10 minutes later, I got a text from the head of Dragon Phoenix, Aaron, to let me know he was leaving me a check and I could pick it up at my class on Monday. I said I would be there on Sunday for the special class and would get it then. However, he said he didn’t know anything about the class, and they should get in touch with him right away so he could be there to let them in.

Apparently when Rachel sent Aaron the email, she made a typo in the address and he never received it. So, after re-emailing and connecting, the class was on.

If Eva and I had not met at Whole Foods, the class would not have happened. So, now I have two new friends, and an introduction to a new body wellness system and  BONUS: a pain-free shoulder!