
  • My own testimonial: Why I Have Been Called to This Path and Received My Plant Based Nutrition Certification

    Even though I had been taking diet and nutrition courses and doing research on my own for a few years, in May of 2016 I received a phone call from a friend that truly shifted my life permanently. She told me she had been in the hospital for a month from a staph infection and was out of intensive care, but was not able to eat the food she was getting at the hospital. Her body was rejecting it, and she finally had enough clarity to contact me. I had spoken to her many times about eating a plant based diet, but until then she had not really understood how important it could be for her.

    I told her I would be there in the morning, and when I walked in the next day I had to control my surprise at how pale and gray her face was and how low her energy appeared to me. She could not even get from the bed to the chair beside it without help. As soon as she took the first sip of the fresh, green smoothie I had prepared for her, she exclaimed, “Oh, this tastes wonderful, like it’s alive!” We talked for about an hour, and I watched the color return to her face as the fresh fruits and vegetables in the drink worked their magic. Not only was it clear to her that this was what she needed, but it was also a powerful confirmation for me how quickly our bodies can heal given the proper fuel.

    Her doctor did not object when she told him she wanted me to bring all her food while she was in the hospital. Each day the nurses were curious about what new delicious dish I would bring, and some of them commented on how quickly she was recovering. Everything I prepared was plant based and organic. This continued for three weeks in the hospital and for three more weeks when she was in the rehab facility. One of the challenges was finding foods that were gluten-free and tasted good to her, because all the medications she had to take affected her sense of taste.

    After she returned home, we continued to work together for a few months so she could know how to make healthy plant based meals on her own.

    Do you have a desire for more energy and vitality or a health challenge where we can work together?

    Here are some testimonials I have received from previous clients. I am so happy to have made such an impact on their lives. If you would like to submit a testimonial, please contact me! I would love to hear from you!

  • We found out my husband had Hodgkins Lymphoma right before Christmas. After a little research about diets and its impact on the body, we thought we’d try a plant based diet. The problem was, I didn’t know how to be a vegan and my husband was an over the top carnivore and otherwise very picky eater. I tried to satisfy his palate but was failing miserably. The added challenge of Chemo’s effect on the taste buds made the situation even worse. We were introduced to Susan Francis through a cousin and decided if we were going to do this, we needed help. We flew Susan to New Jersey from North Carolina for a five-day crash course in the vegan lifestyle. Susan began educating me from the moment I picked her up. I realized very quickly that Susan was dedicated and passionate about this lifestyle. We started out at the Whole Foods Store where she helped me stock up on the essentials ingredients to get us started. Susan proved to be so compassionate and resourceful as she navigated our skittish acceptance of new flavors and textures. The experience was more than the food we cooked. We ate of course, but we also meditated, and exercised, shared our truths and created a special bond. It’s been about 2 month and things are going pretty well, but not perfect. Still, I’m grateful for the time we shared and realize that I will be forever impacted by what Susan taught me about food and what I learned about myself in the short time we spent together. We’ve stayed in touch and she continues to educate and inspire us on this life journey.

    - Franette Bourne New Jersey
  • Upon first glance, Susan absolutely glows and twinkles an ageless transmission of love, light and the epitome of plantpure healthy living…she is vibrant in her knowledge and steps up to the plate, pun intended, with clarity and a depth in understanding without the first hint of judgement…always there, always sure, open to conversation and giving direction (upon request)…is there anyone out there who doesn’t long for the benefits of a plantpure lifestyle… that special healthy, happy, age regression glow of plant consumption is a powerful life transforming decision threefold, physical, mental and spiritual…count me in Susan…so much gratitude to you for being a beautiful catalyst in my life…you made what I perceived as hard, truly easy…what i perceived as too expensive, easily affordable, what I perceived as a cultural stigma…invisible…

    - Kathryn Cole Asheville/Marshall NC